KVK Club Impact on crops at Kangrol of Etah

Kangrol village was adopted by KVK in year 2010 for different extension activities for development of agriculture. Two club of containing 10 member in each club was formed. At the time of adoption in year 2010 main crop of village was Paddy, Maize, Bajra, Wheat, Mustard & Moong.

During year 2010-2011 two visit of 6 farmers of Kisan Mela at GBPAU&T, Pantnagar organized by KVK. Total 10 on campus training for 50 club members were organized by KVK on different topics for agriculture development after two years in year 2011-12 groundnut cultivation for both kharif & Zaid was introduced as new crop in village for about 15 farmers in 20 ha. Impact of different KVK activities on yield of different crops of 20 club members are given in table-1

Yield of crops before and after KVK activities for club members.

S.N. Crops Year 2009-10 (q/ha) Year 2010-11 (q/ha) Percentage Increase
1 Paddy 37.90 48.00 26.64
2 Maize 28.12 42.12 49.78
3 Bajra 16.00 20.12 25.75
4 Wheat 35.41 45.81 29.37
5 Mustard 16.35 18.00 10.09
6 Urd 7.81 15.12 93.59
7 Moong 7.80 15.45 98.07
8 : a Kharif Groundnut   15.6  
8 : b Zaid Groundnut   25.21  

There is 26.64%, 49.78%, 25.25%, 29.37%, 10.09%, 93.59% & 98.07% increase yield in Paddy, Maize, Bajra, Wheat, Mustard, Urd & Moong respectively. Groundnut is introduced as new crop with production of 15.60 qt/ha in kharif and 25.21 at/ha in Zaid. Randomly 20 farmers were selected to study the diffusion of KVK activities over other farmers (non-club members). Yield response of different crops for non-club members are given in table 2.

Yield of crops before and after KVK activities for non club members

S.N. Crops Year 2009-10 (q/ha) Year 2010-11 (q/ha) Percentage Increase
1 Paddy 37.00 44.12 19.24
2 Maize 28.90 39.82 37.78
3 Bajra 15.90 18.21 14.52
4 Wheat 35.00 40.22 14.91
5 Mustard 16.11 17.00 5.52
6 Urd 7.64 14.12 84.48
7 Moong 7.90 13.42 83.83
8 : a Kharif Groundnut   13.90  
8 : b Zaid Groundnut   24.11  

There is 19.24%, 37.78%, 14.52%, 14.91%, 5.52%, 84.48%, 83.33% in yield of Paddy, Maize, Bajra, Wheat, Mustard, Urd & Moong respectively. Groundnut crop has been introduced as new crop with production of 13.90 qt/ha in kharif whereas 24.11 q/ha in Zaid.

KVK club has significant impact for the increase of yield of different crops and Groundnut has introduced as new crop in village.
